Thursday, March 13, 2003

And here's another:

Bush: “Long Story Short, 111 Million Will Die at the End of All This”

Alex Cacioppo

Citing a war with Iraq, Bush stated that in the end of all three wars, 111 million people will be “left for the vultures.
“The other two wars, which will be against Iran and North Korea,” Bush said, “will come one after the other. It will go like this: Iraq, Iran, and then North Korea. North Korea has nukes, you know. Hey, it’s kinda like a trilogy.” He added, “A . . . Trilogy of Freedom . . . against the Axis of Evil.” This statement was followed by immediate, thundering applause.
Upon receiving statistics on the populations of all three countries, Bush began to calculate the answer, and 15 minutes later using an ordinary calculator, delivered the answer to a waiting media crowd.
“Hold on . . . It’s, wait . . . low bat—no . . . on sec . . . carry the two . . . right, 111 million people,” Bush said, embarrassed, as he had just found out that he knew that figure 15 minutes earlier. “So, that’s over 100 million people, civilians and military, combined of the three countries, which will all be entirely eliminated. God bless America. So,” applause had interrupted him and then abruptly stopped, “it is obvious that we know what we must do. Kill them all. Every man, woman and child of Iraq, Iran, and North Korea must die so that these countries no longer show as a threat to the world and the countries’ combined evil is abolished completely.” Applause and cheering from the crowd immediately followed.
According to Bush’s “Trilogy of Freedom” plan, Iraq, the first country to be targeted, will be “completely pulvised [sic] into oblivion, which will be preceded by a massive air and naval strike, and then an invasion of the country, in which our armed forces will storm the country, literally going door to door, executing every person and thing they see, until he have finally killed Saddam, his henchmen, and terrorists he may or may not be harboring, whatever.” Bush added, “But the fun doesn’t stop there. We still have two more . . . sequels [of the Trilogy] . . . left. We will then invade neighboring Iran, and kill every living thing there, ridding the country of evil just as we would have done in Iraq. Then we coordinate an air strike with a flying fortress of bombers located around North Korea, and nuke it all to hell. Thus, all 111 million will be killed, and all evil will be rid from the world.”
Addressing the possible negative response that this plan might incite across the nation, Bush continued on a more positive note, saying, “But don’t fret. Hopefully, no American soldiers will be killed. And we’re safe, because the Axis of Evil must be destroyed forever, and it will be soon.” He continued, “If all of this sounds too sudden and/or too much for you, you are free to leave the country, but,” he quickly added, “try not to get within 100 miles of either Iraq, Iran, or North Korea, because the nuclear fallout won’t be very pleasant and whatnot.” Applause resonated from the room “like thunder,” recalled some journalists at the scene.
Other thoughts from the American people seemed to oddly differ from those of Bush.
“I think [obliterating Iraq, Iran, and North Korea] is ridiculous and absurd if you ask me,” said Wendy Northrupp, a random person in a CVS. “It’s all crazy. I mean, I just can’t believe what [Bush’s] saying. It’s all too crazy,” she said, as she took some items from a counter. “Excuse me,” she added as she quickly ran out the door. An alarm then sounded and the clerk shouted profanities. Fortunately, within minutes, the police were there and caught her. Wendy Northrupp is now serving 5 years in prison, no parole.
“I, aside from Bush, of course, think it’s our God-given right and necessary,” said Bill Wrightberg, a city planner, “to invade, attack, and annihilate Iraq, Iran, and North Korea, which would in the process kill everyone there. Hail Bush!”
In a speech to the U.N. Saturday, Bush made the following comment:
“If you are watching this bridcast [sic], Saddam, and the same goes for you, Mohammad Khatami [Pres. of Iran] and you, Kim Jong Il [North Korea]. Your people have served under and endured oppressive, totalitarian regimes long enough. It’s time to open up a can of whoop-ass.”

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